Yesterday, I went to the first Eat Real Festival in Los Angeles. There have been two festivals in the past, in Oakland, and in September, Oakland will again be hosting their third festival. For Eat Real, their motto is "Eat it. Make it. Grow it." The goal of the Eat Real group is to teach people about better, healthier food. Much of the festival is about getting out information and showing people where food comes from, who makes it or grows it, or teaches how you can make or grow food yourself.
At the festival, there were tons of food trucks, booths of products for sale, and informational shows.
Different vegetables being grown in planter boxes to show that even in a city, you can still grow your own vegetables!
The stage sign, the map, a hot dog food truck, and La Caja China, a box that's like a barbecue pit
Goslings and piglets
A bacon chocolate chip cookie and a magician with a cat assistant
motto - a saying that a person, organization, or city follows
noun: If you follow the motto, "Work first, then play," you will always get your work done!
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