June 20, 2012

We Give Books? They do!

We Give Books

"Read a book.  Give a book."
That's their motto!  I am loving this website!  Not only does it encourage reading, but it helps those in need as well.  For every book read online, they donate a free book to a literacy organization that provides books for kids who don't have books.  There are some really great, current titles in the online library, as well as some old favorites.

Some of the titles include...

Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon
A great story about how Molly Lou deals with a bully

Llama Llama Red Pajama - R4TR English     Llama Llama Red Pajama - R4TR Spanish
A fun favorite in English and in Spanish-- there are other books in Spanish, too!

Goodnight Goon: A Petrifying Parody
A new twist on an old classic

Skippyjon Jones in Mummy Trouble
Everyone loves Skippyjon Jones!

The Tale of Peter Rabbit     The Little Engine That Could
Oldies, but goodies

Watch Me Grow: Turtle
And fabulous non-fiction!

I can't wait to use some of these online books in class next year!

There are so many books to choose from.  Which ones do you like best?

KIDS:  Remember that it's important to ask your parents before signing up for anything online.  Have a parent help you set up your own account to start reading and donating books today!

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