December 11, 2011

The Muppets

Last weekend, I finally headed out to see "The Muppets."  I took two young friends with me (this year's Catwalk winner and former fabulous student and a friend of her choice) and off we went!  It brought back so many fond memories of everything Muppets from when I was little.  I'm so glad that "The Muppets" is being introduced to a whole new generation!  

My personal favorites from the new movie:

I love the way that they introduced the new character.  It's not everyday that a new Muppet comes along!

One of the funniest scenes in the movie, in my opinion.  Don't worry, I won't ruin the movie for you if you haven't seen it yet.

My favorite ad for the movie.

I ended up picking up a couple of nail polishes to go with the movie, too!  

Rated PG
103 minutes long
Watch the trailer here.

1 comment:

CC said...

I'm the Catwalk winner! YAY!! It was very funny!!!!!!!!