August 12, 2011

Lost: One Monkey

Have you ever lost something important to you?  Think about something that you really care about.  Now think about what would happen if you lost it.  How would you feel?

Here's what happened when one couple lost Bongo.

Bonni Marcus and Jack Zinzi had gone out to a restaurant for dinner one night, taking Bongo along.  As they sat down, Bonnie Marcus went to put Bongo on the table, and realized that he was gone!  They looked everywhere, but couldn't find him.  Feeling heartbroken, they posted fliers all over the neighborhood where they had lost him, including an offer for a $500 cash reward.  Their story even got picked up by the local newspaper and many people started hearing the story of how Bongo was lost.    

On a return trip to the same restaurant, Bonni Marcus and Jack Zinzi heard a group of people nearby who were talking about a stuffed monkey.  Curious, they asked for more details about the story that was being told.  Luckily, the man who found him, Luis Barreto, also thought Bongo was pretty cute, so he took him home.  Reunited with his family, Bongo has made a new friend in Luis Barreto, and has become quite famous as well!

Lost Monkey Doll Reunited With Weird Parents

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