August 03, 2011

I'm hungry!

If you are a hungry little tiger cub, what do you do?  Well, you go to Dodo the chimp for a bottle, of course!

Interspecies Intermingling of the Day: Dodo the chimp feeds two-month-old tiger cub Aorn at the Samut Prakarn Crocodile Farm and Zoo near Bangkok, Thailand.
Dodo’s handlers have trained the two-and-half-year-old primate to feed the zoo’s tiger cubs after noting that he showed no fear in their presence.
“It’s not difficult as he knows how to hold the bottle,” veteran zoo employee Sirinaj is quoted as saying. “I just taught him to hold it and stay with the cub. I’ve been teaching him everyday so he can do it.”

[telegraph / arbroath / reuters via dyt.]

 i dont understand why it doesnt say anything here about why the monkey is wearing denim hot pants

Dodo is two and a half year old chimpanzee who lives in Thailand.  When the animal trainers noticed that he had no fear of tiger cubs, they put him to work!  After teaching him how to hold the bottle, his job now is to feed the cubs, ranging in age from 3 weeks to 5 months old.  Dodo has an important job and is usually very responsible...  but sometimes he can't help but play with all of the cubs!


Watch Dodo work-- and play!

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