July 20, 2011

Lego Wall-E

Have you seen the Disney Pixar movie "Wall-E"?  This guy did, and he loved it so much, that he decided to create his own version of Wall-E out of Legos!
Wall-E, LEGOs, mindstorm legos, robotic wall-e, real life wall-e, LEGO robots, LEGO wall-e, Marc-André Bazergui

By creating his Wall-E out of the Lego Mindstorms kit, he could make his Lego Wall-E move and transform into a cube, just like in the movie!
Wall-E, LEGOs, mindstorm legos, robotic wall-e, real life wall-e, LEGO robots, LEGO wall-e, Marc-André Bazergui

(If you are not familiar with Lego Mindstorms, this is a series of Lego that has a computer component, where you can program your Lego creation to do tasks or movements.)

Watch the Lego Wall-E transform into a cube!

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