July 12, 2011


One of the lovely experiences I will get to participate in this summer because of spending time in Los Angeles, is what is being referred to as "Carmageddon."  Now, I lived here for many, many years, and traffic is one of the things that L.A. is known for.  It has been bad, has gotten worse, and this coming weekend, is "Carmageddon."  Ten miles of one of the busiest freeways in Southern California, the 405, will be shut down for the weekend.

When it is at its busiest, the 405 looks like this:

There are cars as far as the eye can see, and most of them moving VERY slowly.

There is an estimate that about 281,000 cars travel this section of the freeway every day!

Because they are widening the freeway (because of all of the crazy traffic), a bridge needs to be taken down so more room can be made.  Half of the Mulholland Bridge is going to be taken apart, and then put back together, all in the span of 53 hours.  (Later on, it will have to happen all over again when they need to redo the other half!)

There have been signs on the different freeways all over California warning about this road closure for months.  Now that it's almost here, people are being told to stay at home because the traffic will be so bad!  Just be glad that you are not in Los Angeles this weekend...  or if you are, don't go anywhere!
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Update:  Everyone listened and stayed off the roads.  There was no real Carmageddon after all!  Plus, the freeway reopened way ahead of schedule.  I hope it goes this smoothly next time!

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