April 20, 2011

Classroom Technology Through the Years

A lot has changed in the classroom when it comes to education.  Not long ago, no one would've believed that in this day and age, there would be computers in every single classroom!  Here are some old-fashioned devices that were used in classrooms back in the day. 

Ferule 1850-1870
This object had two uses...  It was used as a pointer AND to punish students when they were bad!  Teachers would just give naughty students a whack with this! 

School Slate 1890
This may look a little more familiar to you.  This is a chalkboard, and most schools used it around this time instead of paper and pencil.  Nowadays, we use small whiteboards, and don't see these in classrooms very often.

Overhead Projector 1930
Oh!  Finally, it's something that we still use today.  It looks very different from the ones we see now.

Plato Computer 1980
At this time, computers in schools were pretty rare.  This computer was one of the first kinds to be used in schools.  Look at how big it is!

Technology is constantly changing and improving.  I wonder what will be in schools in 20 years.  Who knows?

Link to the original article:

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